Page | Description |
Hylo Bates' Homepage II | The second installment of the Hylo Bates' Homepage. The center of this site. |
The Brachiator | My Spoof Newspaper. (FFS) |
Art Page | Original Artwork by Hylo Bates. (FFS) Several different mediums and styles. |
My Blog | More ranting and rambling. |
Rants index. | Opinions about all sorts of issues. |
Letters to the Editor. | Rants that have actually been published. |
Short Stories Index. | Various topics, various lengths. (FFS) |
Short, Short Stories | A few 100-word stories, and some others. |
Suicide, the other side | Satirical rebuttle to an anti-suicide song I heard. |
My Vasectomy | A personal account. |
Marijuana Legalization Page | History of marijuna prohibition and a breakdown of common myths about marijuana. |
Links Page | Links to some sites I like. |
Poetry Page | Three poems. Not obtuse, not esoteric, not long. |
Cheesy Poetry Page | Some typically-angst-filled poetry. |
Prague Poem | A poem I wrote after my first month of living in Prague. (FFS) |
Cultural Myths from the US | A lesson in pop-culture from the US |
Advertisements | Some television spots I'd like to see. |
Sandcastles | Photos of some nice sandcastles done by a friend of mine. (FFS) |
Gibbons Page | A little bit of info gibbons. |
Why I Won't Have Kids | A quick-answer sheet for those with questions. |
"...When the World Stopped Learning | Spoof of that horrible Alan Jackson song. |
"Have you Forgotten?" | Another Country Song |
How well I know Hylo | Just a little quiz about me. |
Fratboy feedback | My reply to emails I got in response to the now-defunct anti-frat page. |
Overpopulation Links | The single greatest problem facing people and our world. |
Responsible Parenting | Breeding should be a privledge, not a right. See also rant #8 |
A man named Bush | A funny song about the court-appointed prez. |
Chain Letter Fun | A satire of your typical email chain letter. |
Motivational Speaker | Another spoof writing |
Pagan Prayer | A Pagan version of the "Lord's Prayer". |
Holiday Letter | Spoof of the traditional holiday newsletter. |
Email Hoax Fun | Another satire, this time of the typical email hoax. |
Primate Totems | See which one you are. |
Jokes | So far just one. |
Classes for Men | More random humor. |
Y2K Statement | Outdated now, but it's funny...maybe |
The Polls | Sound off on a variety of subjects from 1999-2000 |
All pieces origional works by Hylo Bates, unless otherwise noted. |
![]() Certified Kitty Lover |