Undiscovered converstaion techniques I: Telling the truth.
Undiscovered conversation techniques II: Listening.
Time Management: Actually getting something acomplished on a Sunday (You CAN do something during one of the 50 breaks during twelve straight hours of football)
Space Managment: The Garage (Putting tools and machinery away can actually provide space for a car)
Undiscovered sexual techniques I: Foreplay (beyond "Let's screw, baby")
Undiscovered sexual techniques II: Advanced Foreplay (beyond kissing)
Parties, the unexplored side: Staying sober.
Communication I: Yelling--last resort, not first.
Communication II: Think before you speak.
Communication III: Getting your way without getting her drunk.
Driving safety I: Handling roadrage.
Driving safety II: Speed control.
Driving safety III: Red lights mean STOP, not FLOOR IT.
Dancing I: Get OVER yourself already.
Emotions 101: Compassion, not just for girls and "queers".
Sexual courtesy: Including your partner.
Etiquette: Rearranging oneself DISCREETLY.
Basic Laundry I: How to use a hamper.
Basic Laundry II: Underwear replacement (When there's more hole than underwear, throw it away!)
Basic Laundry III: Change your socks at least twice a week.
Basic Converstaion: Beyond sports and cars.
Controlling the TV Remote I: Dealing with separation (Your life doesn't depend on it)
Controlling the TV Remote II: Sharing.