Me-Centered Reasons 2)Sleepless nights. 3)Terrible twos. 4)Terrible teens. 5)I might have a boy. 6)I can't afford one. 7)I don't want to be saddled to a job I hate. 8)I like being able to spend time alone with my wife. 9)I like going out to eat 10)I like quiet time to read or think. 11)I don't like snot or vomit. 12)I don't want to deal with the heartache and stress of wondering each time she goes off to school, "Is this the day she gets shot by a classmate?" |
Reasons based on compassion and consideration 1)I'm still trying to get my own life in order; until I've done that, it would be unfair to bring a child into it. 2)Until I've found a place where it's physically and psychologically safe to raise a child, I'm not going to bring one into the word. 3)Until the thousands of children who are already born and need food, clothes, homes, parents, etc. are taken care of, I'm not going to bring another child into the world just because I want one that looks like me or has my genes. 4)Overpopulation threatens us all. Rather than simply complaining about traffic, overcrowded schools, rising crime, or welfare moms, I'm doing my part by not adding to the overflowing masses. It's the best thing I can do for ALL children. |