I bitch a lot, if you haven't noticed. In real life, I bitch even more than I do on this website. Sometimes I write down a bitch (as you can see in the rants section. And every now and then, I'm able to edit that rant down into a short, concise little piece that I send in to the local paper (the limit they set for length is 250 words, which is not very many). Here are some of the ten or so letters I've had published in the past several years.
Governor Honors Rapper | Nelly thanked while other politicians whine. |
The Yates Murders | Woman drowns kids...who's to blame? |
Overcrowded Schools | Here's an idea: adopt! |
John Ashcroft | Hate-monger posing as a Christian. |
George Bush Jr | Did he do coke or not? Either way, he's a hypocrite. |
College abuse | Two letters: Alcohol abuse and rape on college campuses. |
Marijuana Myths | Trying to dispell a few of them with actual data. |
NRA gun course | The truth about their so-called "safety" course. |
"Partial-brith" | More like partial-truth. Hypocricy and misogyny run rampant. |
Laws of Nature | Humans are not the stewards of this planet. |
Gay Marriage Bans | An issue of intollerance and waste of time. |