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Hylo Bates on the Web
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Wednesday, 3 November 2004
Bush Actually Wins Election This Time
Rest of the World puts hands to head and cries out: "Oh [expletive deleted]! What are those [expletive deleted] Americans [expletive deleted] thinking!"

I'm reminded of the headlines in many newspapers around the world on September 12th, 2001: "Today, We Are All Americans." I know that one major Paris paper had that headline, literally.
Compare that to yesterday: "Today, We Are All KErry Supporters (not a literal headline that I know of) or the ones from today: "Today, We Are All Wetting Our Pants".

CNN had an interesting piece last night on the World Edition, or whatever it is, where they talk to Europeans and get their opinions. Their guy in France pointed out that while a large majority of the French can't stand George Bush, they are NOT anti-American. Some 75% report having "a positive view of Americans"...that compares with only about 20-25% who say the same in England. I thought that was really interesting and counter to what most people think or would assume. Now, go to the US and ask what their opinions are of the French!

Predictions for the future after Bush's official victory:

-Abortion will be illegal in the USA by 2008.
-There will be two or three "Bali-bombing-sized" terrorist attacks on US soil in the next three years (That would have been true if Kerry had been elected, also)
-After said attacks, more Patriot Act-styled legislation will be enacted making the US more and more like a police-state but no more secure.
-The US will STILL be bogged down in occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, and will be engaged in military actions in at least one other country (Syria, Iran).
-Korea will still be the biggest threat to the world's safety and security and will not be confronted.
-There will be a draft, of sorts, to give the Army enough man-and-womanpower to wage all the various military actions.
-The VAST majority of those drafted will come from people who did NOT vote for Bush.
-Affirmative Action will be illegal nationally.
-Despite votes in numerous states that show the public wants the opposite, prohibition and prosecution of Marijiuanna will increase and toughen.
-Absinence-based "education" will be enforced on a national level, or at least attempted (maybe some judges somewhere will be able to fight it).
-The number of unwanted pregnancies will increase (directly related to above piece)
-The number of uninsured children (with WORKING parents) will increase.
-Americans' safety at home and abroad will decrease (was probably true if KErry had been elected, too).

More later...I've got to go take some more Zoloft.

Posted by Hylo at 8:06 PM CET
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