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Saturday, 13 November 2004
Post-election Predictions II
Ok, I've updated the list of predictions I originally posted a week and a half ago.

-Abortion will be illegal in the USA by 2008.

-There will be two or three "Bali-bombing-sized" terrorist attacks on US soil in the next three years (That would have been true if Kerry had been elected, also)
-After said attacks, more Patriot Act-styled legislation will be enacted making the US more and more like a police-state but no more secure.

-The US will STILL be bogged down in occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, and will be engaged in military actions in at least one other country (Syria, Iran).

-Korea will still be the biggest threat to the world's safety and security and will not be confronted.

-There will be a draft, of sorts, to give the Army enough man-and-womanpower to wage all the various military actions.
-The VAST majority of those drafted will come from people who did NOT vote for Bush.

-Affirmative Action will be illegal nationally.

-Despite votes in numerous states that show the public wants the opposite, prohibition and prosecution of Marijiuanna will increase and toughen.

-Absinence-based "education" will be enforced on a national level, or at least attempted (maybe some judges somewhere will be able to fight it).

-The number of unwanted pregnancies will increase (directly related to above piece)

-The number of uninsured children (with WORKING parents) will increase.

-Americans' safety at home and abroad will decrease (was probably true if KErry had been elected, too).

-Various instances of Christianity being forced on the public as the nations Unofficial, official religion will increase (posting of biblical passages in public schools and govt buildings).
-Court cases arising from the above instances will INcrease the zealotry of the "religious right" and close the distance between church and state even further.

-Somewhere, someone will try to bring suit to force a school that has posted the Ten Commandments to post the Five pillars of Islam, or some other religion's mythology (yes, this did already happen--AFTER I wrote a spoof about it--somewhere in Alabama, but it got almost NO press) and rather than raise awareness of the hypocricy and unconstitutionality of the posting of the original material, it will only serve to INcrease the zealotry of the "religious right" and close the distance between church and state even further.

-It will become easier and easier to purchase deadlier and deadlier guns

-Note sure about this one...but IF terrorists do stage an attack using guns, they'll do so using legally-obtained weapons, and the press will completely ignore the fact that John Ashcroft protected their right to do so.

-In the next four years a woman will DIE from complications occurring during birth which could have been prevented with a dialation and extraction proceedure ("partial birth abortion")
OR A doctor will save his patient's life using a D&E and face prosecution and jail time.

-We may even see a national law (at the behest of the Scalia Supreme Court) like the ones in Kansas and Kentucky that say students--in PUBLIC school--cannot be taught the theory of evolution (because it's offensive to Christians, who think "science" doesn't go beyound disembowling chickens and divinating from their innards), or if they ARE taught it, the theory of "creation science" must be given EQUAL time.

-On the same note...some industrious person might try to bring suit saying that if the christian creation myth is taught in school, then the muslim one, the jainist one, the hindu one...etc must be too. This, like other cases mentioned in my original post on this thread, rather than waking anyone up to the hypocrisy and danger of the original edict, will only galvanize the fundamentalist christian minority and make them more intent on their mission.

The USA will be found guilty by the World Court again (yes, again...most poeple in the US aren't aware that the reason the US doesn't recognize the World Court is because it was found guilty in 1986--and immidiately removed the recognition which it had given the court in 1946--for terrorizing Nicaragua) and George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld with literally scoff at the news.
-The Republican-led Congress will take decisive action againt the nations involved, changing the name of "double-dutch" jump-roping, Belgian waffles, and "French kissing" to "double-democracy", "Liberty waffles", and "freedom-kissing" respectively. for some less-sure, longer term predictions, if we end up with eight years of Jeb after W and the 30-60 years of "dark ages" under the edicts of the Scalia Supreme Court:

-People in the "progressive states" (my term: the Northeast and Northwest with Illionois and possibly Wisconsin and Minnesota thrown in) will seriously debate secession as an option to free themselves from the "United States of Jesus" (my term). This will be completely unsuccessful, of course, and some of them will probably be jailed for such talk.

-People in the progressive countries of Europe will begin to debate mounting a military opposition to the US to stop them from destablizing ANOTHER nation (at this point, the world would likely consist of terrorist-infested wastelands in the former Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and possible some other places) by invading it and then leaving it in shambles. This discussion will not get beyond the realm of fringe groups and "radicals", though, because Europe will still have nowhere near the military strength of the US. ON that same note...many people in the US will continue to follow a "might makes right" mentality and believe that the fact that no one can stand up to the US militarily is just proof that it is "God's country" (NOT my term).

Posted by Hylo at 6:54 PM CET
Updated: Saturday, 13 November 2004 6:56 PM CET
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Feeling Smug After LOSING the Election?
Here's an interesting article from Ted Rall, entitled, "Confessions of a Cultural Elitist"

A few choice exerpts:

Firstly, living in the sticks doesn't make you more American. Rural, urban or suburban--they're irrelevant. San Francisco's predominantly gay Castro district is every bit as red, white and blue as the Texas panhandle. But if militant Christianist Republicans from inland backwaters believe that secular liberal Democrats from the big coastal cities look upon them with disdain, there's a reason. We do, and all the more so after this election.


Maps showing Kerry's blue states appended to the "United States of Canada" separated from Bush's red "Jesusland" are circulating by email. Though there is a religious component to the election results, the biggest red-blue divide is intellectual. "How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?" asked the headline of the Daily Mirror in Great Britain, and the underlying assumption is undeniable. By any objective standard, you had to be spectacularly stupid to support Bush.

72 percent who cast votes for George W. Bush, according to a University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) and Knowledge Networks poll, believe that Iraq (news - web sites) had weapons of mass destruction or active WMD programs. 75 percent think that a Saddam-Al Qaeda link has been proven, and 20 percent say Saddam ordered 9/11. Of course, none of this was true.

Posted by Hylo at 6:35 PM CET
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Thursday, 4 November 2004
More Depression
Atrios has a thoughtful and horrifying post over at Eschaton:

Reading the various commentary and chatting with a few people I've come to a couple of realizations which I think we all need to come to terms with. First, as Eric Alterman puts it, there are more of "them" than "us" right now. The people who voted George Bush and the Republicans into office this year didn't do so because they were conned by a right wing asshole posing as a compassionate centrist. They did so precisely because he is a right wing asshole. Yes, the modern Republican party consists of nasty bigots and liars and the media rarely bothers to point out just how nasty they are (all the talking heads talking about the role of "moral values" in the election know that what that really means is "fag hating," but they won't say it). But, don't be fooled - people know what they voted for.

Posted by Hylo at 9:15 AM CET
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Post-Election Depression and Survivor's Guilt
Feeling a little guilty about having made it out of the US and being able to live in a country where I actually HAVE the freedoms Americans are only TOLD about is nothing new. I've often felt like I had to lie about my life here, or withhold information, when I hear from an old coworker about their 50-hour-a-week work misery, or hear about how someone had to sell their car to pay for some medical care. But now, after the election, it's much worse. My email box is full of messages saying something like "You're so lucky to not be here" and "Aren't you glad you don't have to worry about it."

The problem is, I do still have to worry about it. For one thing, all my family and friends are still in the US, so I have to worry about them...about my niece growing up under a system where children receive NO sex education and where she has no access to birth control, for example. And secondly, it's the concern of the WHOLE world, since Bush is stirring up terrorists everywhere and putting us ALL at risk.

Here are a few emails I received.

What a bummer. I am really depressed. If [his other son, my brother, his daughter-in-law, and his niece] did not live here, I would move to Prague. I really thought Kerry could pull out Ohio based on the most recent polls. It is interesting that Florida and Ohio were 2 states that heavily used touch screen voting that leaves no paper trail. The computer could be programmed to give every 4th or 5th Kerry vote to Bush and no one would know that. These were the 2 states where the exit polls were inaccurate compared to the actual votes - ie - they indicated that Kerry would do well. I guess we will never know if there was cheating. It is a shame that the lines in Democratic precincts in Ohio were so long - I'm sure some folks gave up and left without voting. The Today show interviewed a college student who waited in line 9 hours to vote. Anyway - with Bush as president and republicans with larger majorities in Congress we will be assaulted by right wing stupidity and ideology. I remember how miserable I felt when Nixon won in 1968 (first time I voted) and Reagan won in !980, but I think I feel much worse now. Dad

And now I seem to remember a quote from the President of Diebold Company, who makes the electronic voting machines, where he said sometime early this year that he would do "whatever possible" to insure a Bush victory. Sheeesh...I can't even THINK about that now.

Here's a letter from a friend who's also a devout Christian...the only person I know who actually waited until she was married to have sex (well, okay, so her husband did too...but I don't really know him).

Well, here it is the day after. I'm so depressed. You have the right idea not to be here period. It just makes me sick to think about 4 more years of him. I didn't sleep much at all last night for thinking and hoping that I would be pleasantly surprised this morning. It was like the total opposite of the anticipation of Christmas morning.

I think I'm in disbelief you know? I just really didn't think that there were that many stupid, gullible people in this country who can just turn their heads and pretend not to see what he's done.

Oh well, I just thought I'd comiserate with you. But hey, look on the bright side, you don't have to live here!

When I wrote her back and said, "It's not too late, you could move to France [a country she loves and has visited several times, once with her older daughter, 9]." She wrote back and said:

Funny, you should mention that... [her older daughter] asked me last night, if Bush wins can we move to France? Then this morning when she found out, she told me we should start packing out bags.

I know I'm just so depressed, I really feel like this country is going backwards, there is so much hate and closed mindedness.

And one more letter from a friend in California:
Well All! I am sad to say this country has succeeded
again in shamefully disappointing me. I can't believe
how absolutely ignorant the people of this country
are. Again, the American people have proven that
hatred, murder, poverty, and rape of the environment
are great American values! They clearly don't mind
being blatantly lied to and controlled. I hope to
find somewhere else in this world to call home some
day. Unfortunately, I have 4 years of vet school
left, but will certainly be looking at Canada, France,
and Australia as places to find work. If anyone has
any single, male friends who would marry me to get me
out of this country easier, then please forward my
email address, because I will do anything!!!

Love and absolute disgust,

My heart breaks for these people...especially my father, who's dedicated decades of his life to fighting for various social causes...marching for civil rights in the 60s and protesting the draft and the war in Vietnam...fighting for women's rights for more than 30 years, including being a primary plantiff in the Supreme Court Case Webster versus Reproductive Health Services. Now he can do nothing but watch as it's all erased and his granddaugther is left living in a christian version of Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Posted by Hylo at 9:09 AM CET
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Wednesday, 3 November 2004
Bush Actually Wins Election This Time
Rest of the World puts hands to head and cries out: "Oh [expletive deleted]! What are those [expletive deleted] Americans [expletive deleted] thinking!"

I'm reminded of the headlines in many newspapers around the world on September 12th, 2001: "Today, We Are All Americans." I know that one major Paris paper had that headline, literally.
Compare that to yesterday: "Today, We Are All KErry Supporters (not a literal headline that I know of) or the ones from today: "Today, We Are All Wetting Our Pants".

CNN had an interesting piece last night on the World Edition, or whatever it is, where they talk to Europeans and get their opinions. Their guy in France pointed out that while a large majority of the French can't stand George Bush, they are NOT anti-American. Some 75% report having "a positive view of Americans"...that compares with only about 20-25% who say the same in England. I thought that was really interesting and counter to what most people think or would assume. Now, go to the US and ask what their opinions are of the French!

Predictions for the future after Bush's official victory:

-Abortion will be illegal in the USA by 2008.
-There will be two or three "Bali-bombing-sized" terrorist attacks on US soil in the next three years (That would have been true if Kerry had been elected, also)
-After said attacks, more Patriot Act-styled legislation will be enacted making the US more and more like a police-state but no more secure.
-The US will STILL be bogged down in occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, and will be engaged in military actions in at least one other country (Syria, Iran).
-Korea will still be the biggest threat to the world's safety and security and will not be confronted.
-There will be a draft, of sorts, to give the Army enough man-and-womanpower to wage all the various military actions.
-The VAST majority of those drafted will come from people who did NOT vote for Bush.
-Affirmative Action will be illegal nationally.
-Despite votes in numerous states that show the public wants the opposite, prohibition and prosecution of Marijiuanna will increase and toughen.
-Absinence-based "education" will be enforced on a national level, or at least attempted (maybe some judges somewhere will be able to fight it).
-The number of unwanted pregnancies will increase (directly related to above piece)
-The number of uninsured children (with WORKING parents) will increase.
-Americans' safety at home and abroad will decrease (was probably true if KErry had been elected, too).

More later...I've got to go take some more Zoloft.

Posted by Hylo at 8:06 PM CET
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Tuesday, 2 November 2004
I'm so nervous and depressed today, I can hardly think straight. I feel just like I used to as a kid the day/night before the first day of school.

So, here's a little humor I'm made me laugh out loud, which I REALLY needed today.

From Mark Hoolihan at The Hoolinet, a site with lots of great parodies.

Below are reasons to vote for George W. Bush:
1. Because you know things are going well in Iraq. They're getting better every day. You know this is true because George Bush told you so.

2. Because too many people have health care as it is, what are we, the United States of Every Child Gets to go to the Doctor?

3. Because good leaders don't change their minds every time they realize they made a mistake. That would be sound strategery and you wouldn't want too much thought going on at the top levels.

4. Because George Bush never made a mistake. You know this is true because George Bush told you so.

5. Because Bush's service in the Air National Guard during Vietnam showed courage and strong leadership, whereas Kerry's service in Vietnam showed he's a coward and weak on national security. You know this because Swift Boat Veterans for Truth told you so.

6. Because only George Bush can protect you from Al Qaeda. He's consistent. He promised to get bin Laden, invaded Iraq and got Republicans to hate France. Could Kerry keep Al-Qaeda off balance like that?

7. Because you know invading Iraq was right. Weapons of Mass destruction were found and Saddam was behind 9/11. You know this is true because FOX news and Dick Cheney keep implying it's true. Besides even if it's all untrue, Saddam was a bad man, and you know Kerry wants to have a gay wedding with him.

8. Because invading Iraq made us safer. Iran and North Korea might actually have WMD's but they know now if they mouth off Bush might invade someone else, like Syria, or Malta, maybe even the Seychelles. Take that Kim Jong Il!

9. Because you know George W. Bush is the decisive leader we need in a time of crisis. You know because those seven minutes of him reading "My Pet Goat" while America was under attack aren't as important as his record of saying he's a decisive leader, decisively, over and over. In a world where nuclear missiles take up to 30 minutes to cross the globe any leader can afford 7 minutes during a crisis for a really good goat story.

10. Because George Bush believes in American values like freedom and values, which are words he uses alot. Locking up American citizens without trial or even charges is OK if they're muslims. You know your freedom is safe as long as you're not a muslim, and you're not if you know what's good for you.

11. Because it's unpatriotic to criticize the President. That's not what the Founding Fathers wanted, they wanted everyone to worship George Bush. You know criticism and free speech are a part of democracy, you just want those who disagree with you to be shut up. This will help the march of freedom, as long as you agree with George Bush your freedom will be safeguarded.

12. Because you know if John Kerry is elected, on Jan. 20th all marriages will be gay, Osama bin Laden will move into the White House, all freedom of religion will be revoked, people will hae sex with chipmunks, America will become communist, Taxes will go up 900%, the ghost of Rerun from "What's Happening" will rise from the grave - mass hysteria!

13. Because you know you're better off than you were four years ago and you will be better off with four more years of exactly the same thing.

I give up, and surrender my free will to the might of George W. Bush.

Courtesy Mark Hoolihan and the Hoolinet (
Copyright 2004 Boniface Bugle Productions. All Rights Absurd.

Posted by Hylo at 12:39 PM CET
Updated: Tuesday, 2 November 2004 12:42 PM CET
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Friday, 29 October 2004
And interesting, though half-hearted, endorsment
The Economist, a long-time conservative, Thatcher-Reaganite newspaper in England has endorsed John Kerry. It did so with reservations, saying the choice was "between two deeply-flawed men". But the reasons for NOT endosing Bush are very telling (and obvious to anyone paying attention).

``It was a difficult call, given that we endorsed George Bush in 2000 and supported the war in Iraq,'' Economist editor Bill Emmott, who wrote the editorial backing Kerry, said in a pre- publication e-mail. ``In the end we felt he has been too incompetent to deserve re-election.''

``America needs a president capable of admitting to mistakes, and of learning from them,'' Emmott wrote. ``Mr. Bush has steadfastly refused to admit to anything.''

Thanks to Hesiod for this story.

Hesiod also has a good post about those explosives that Bush let get away. Pictures of the explosives have now surfaced from a news crew that saw them with the US soldiers it was traveling with back on April 18, 2003. Unfortunately, I don't share Hesiod's optimism that this revelation will sink Bush for good...but it's a nice thought.

Posted by Hylo at 10:37 AM MEST
Updated: Friday, 29 October 2004 10:40 AM MEST
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A reason to vote for Bush!
Thanks to our fearless "leader", there are now at least 100,000 fewer Iraqis in the world...many of them women and children.

And how many Iraqis has John Kerry killed?

(The above portion of today's entry contains sarcasm. If you don't understand this writing tool, don't blame the author.)

While the major causes of death before the invasion were heart attack, stroke, and chronic illness, the risk of dying from violence after the invasion was 58 times higher than in the period before the war.

Most people died from violence after the invasion, the survey said, with most of the households interviewed saying air strikes from coalition forces were to blame.

While the researchers said the sampling was small, in an editorial alongside the survey, Lancet editor Richard Horton said interviewing more households would have improved the precision of the report, "but at an enormous and unacceptable risk to the team of interviewers."

He added that the study's central observation -- that more civilians have died following air strikes -- is convincing.

"With the admitted benefit of hindsight and from a purely public-health perspective, it is clear that whatever planning did take place was grievously in error," said Horton.

Posted by Hylo at 10:23 AM MEST
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Thursday, 28 October 2004
More whining from freedom-hating meddlers!
Yesterday it was a bunch of hippies at Greenpeace, today it's some prissy English weenies complaining about torture. So they were held for more than two years without access to laywers or any charges being they were not allowed to sleep or eat for days at a time sometimes...what are they complaining about?!? After all, with names like "Shafiq Rasul, Asif Iqbal, Rhuhel Ahmed and Jamal Al-Harith ", they're lucky the US didn't just execute each of them AND their entire families.

(Note: This post contained some sarcasm...if you don't understand this writing tool, don't blame the author.)

Posted by Hylo at 5:45 PM MEST
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The "Americanization" of the World.
The NRA can take pride that America's "sportsman" culture is spreading around the world...even to France!.

Posted by Hylo at 5:38 PM MEST
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